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Which Holster is Best for Me?
Last Updated: 05/14/2016
The charts below will assist you in selecting the holster to best fit your needs. You also need to address the following:
Proper clothing - to successfully conceal your weapon, dress around the gun.
Good Belt - a good belt is the difference between good stable carry and sloppy.
Select the right size weapon for your needs. Hard to conceal a large FN!
GX GT Fusion IWB Slim Solo
Concealable X X X X X X
All Day Comfort X X X
Presentation Practice X X X X
Competition X
Range Use X X X X
Adjustable Retention X X X
Easily Removable X X X X X
G02 Champ OWB STX STX Champ STX 2.0
Concealable X X
All Day Comfort X X X X X X
Presentation Practice X X X X X X
Competition X X X X X
Range Use X X X X X X
Adjustable Retention X X X X X X
Easily Removable X
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